The Tranquility Liquid Sound Table allows you to feel the healing notes of the sound throughout your body, as well as producing audible sound which wraps around and cocoons you.
What is Vibroacoustic? This is a type of Sound Therapy that involves passing low frequency sound wave vibrations into the body through a device with embedded speakers. With this table specifically, there is water for the sound waves to travel through and the transducers offer a light vibration massage. There are many track options available to choose from to offer you a custom experience for your visit.
Who can benefit from this type of service? The easy answer is everyone. The Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy is helpful with Anxiety, Insomnia, Pain, Parkinson's, Cerebral Palsy, and there is a growing interest in this therapy helping with many more conditions. The benefit for all is an overall feeling of relaxation and reduced tension.